Everyday Tools - Fine Motor

Limited strength in the upper extremities as well as limited hand control can affect a person's ability to lift and manipulate objects. A person's ability to bend and reach can also affect how they are able complete activities of daily living. Assistive technology for daily tasks are often adapted or borrowed from other uses. One advantage of assistive technology for daily living is that suitable devices can often be found not only in catalogs specifically selling aids to daily living devices but in drug stores, kitchen shops, hardware stores and many other places. This means not only that they are readily available, but that they also tend to be cheaper than other types of assistive technology. Occupational and physical therapists are great resources for helping to determine what types of devices for daily living might work for you, and they can often loan you equipment to try out. 


These devices typically aid individuals who have limited ability with bending, gripping, or fine motor control when manipulating objects. Some examples would include a sock aid or dressing stick which allows users to pull on socks and pants without bending.

Borrow devices for self care

Tools and devices that help individuals with limited grip strength and hand dexterity. Some tools add grip area by building up handles. Tools such as the jug tipper help individuals with limited hand and arm strength by adding support to heavy objects that require manipulation.

Borrow devices for homemaking 

Positioning devices allow users to visually access reading material which improves posture. Added grip area or stabilizers for pens and pencils improve a user's ability to write fluidly and increase writing pressure.

Borrow devices for positioning

Borrow writing aids