#1 Ball Pen Holder
Description: “The pen ball makes it easier to grip a pen, pencil, or other writing utensil for someone with joint pain or limited hand dexterity.” (Please note which size when requesting)
Source: MakersMakingChange.com
#2 Beverage Can Opener
Description: “The Beverage Can Opener provides an easy way for people with limited finger dexterity and strength to open pull tabs on a beverage can with little strength required. This design is only compatible with pull tabs with two holes.”
#3 Braille Map of The United States
Description: “This project aims to mass produce a tactile visually impaired device that will enable the users to be educated in information that was inaccessible before. The USA map features the states at different elevations with its unique two-letter abbreviations in standard braille. This design was successfully tested at the National Federation of the Blind and the Wayfinder Family Services (previously known as Junior Blind).”
#4 Can Opener (Pull Tab Only)
Description: “This system was designed for people lacking strength to lift the ring and pull it to open the can. It facilitates the opening of the can, effortlessly, without the risk of injuring yourself with sharp edges.”
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#5 Child Car Seat Unbuckle Aid (by WATAP)
Description: “Made to help unbuckle a child's car seat.”
#6 Fidget Rings (by WATAP)
Description: “A tactile ring fidget device with different textures. Outer ring spells WATAP with raised letters and braille dots.”
#7 Foldable Book Stand
Description: “Designed a little bit more clunky as it has to survive in a schoolbag.”
#8 Mask Strap (Ear Saver)
Description: “Intended to be used to hold the elastic straps of a surgical mask, to relieve the pressure of those on the ears.”
#9 Microsoft Adaptive Accessories Mounts
Description: “These mounts are designed for use with the Microsoft Adaptive Accessories that include the adaptive hub, joystick, D-pad button, and dual button. These mounts will hold the unit and allow it to be surface-mounted via two screw holes or connected to a standard 1/4"-20 mount with the use of a tee nut insert.” (Please note which mounts when requesting)
#10 Microsoft Adaptive Mouse Tails and Accessories
Description: “A Mouse Tail that attaches to the Microsoft Adaptive Mouse for smaller hands that provides support on finger placement and alignment. The Support Mouse Tail, when attached to the Microsoft Adaptive Mouse, may help individuals with involuntary movements in their hands with using a mouse.” (Please visit the shapeways.com page linked below and include which items when requesting. Some objects have different sizes options within the website.)
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#11 Mouth Stylus Holder by HuskyADAPT
Description: "Our mission is to create a mouth stylus holder that is more affordable than market price and is versatile for users to independently place and put down their stylus." - design team (Mark Fernandez, Laura Oliveira, Sawani Deshmukh, Emma Martin, Devanshi Desai, Sam Fleet)
Description Continued: This device is compatible with most cell phone holding mount/arm systems and offers an easily accessible resting place for a mouth stylus.
What is HuskyADAPT? "HuskyADAPT is a student organization at the University of Washington, Seattle campus that is dedicated to supporting accessible design and inclusive play technology. We train the next generation of inclusively-minded engineers, clinicians, and educators to help make the world a more equitable place. We do this through our three branches: Toy Adaptation, Design Teams, and Go Baby Go!"
Source: HuskyADAPT Design Project 2023-24 (For more information on the design process please request the Mouth Stylus Project Poster file)
#12 Nail Clipper Holder
Description: “A nail clipper holder that makes it possible to operate a normal nail cutter with only one hand.”
#13 Paint Tube Opener
Description: “The Tube Opener is a handy 3D printed tool designed to help users open tubes or small lids such as toothpaste, ointment tubes, paint tubes, travel sized products, and nail polish. The design is compatible with caps that range from about 10-25 mm in diameter.”
#14 Pill Puncher
Description: “The Blister Pack Opener is designed to help users with arthritis or limited hand strength open blister packs of pills.”
#15 Plug Puller (by WATAP)
Description: “This model is designed to fit over most standard plugs and allows you to safely and easily remove them without any damage to the plug, outlet, or yourself.”
#16 Seatbelt Release Aid
Description: “The 3D printed Seatbelt Release Aid is a t-shaped tool that helps release seatbelts, particularly buckles with very limited space between the seat and console. The assistive device comes with a t-shaped handle and two holes in the handle so that a string can be attached, providing a way to keep it handy in the vehicle.”
#17 Signature Guide
Description: “The Signature Guide is a low cost, 3D printed assistive writing aid that helps people to write on a specific spot. It contains 5 different boxes of different sizes for purposes such as writing a name, signature, or initials.”
#18 Toothpaste Squeezer
Description: “Designed to help squeeze a toothpaste tube with a turn of a key.”
Source: WATAP
#19 Touch Mapper (Customized Locations)
Description: “Tactile maps are a great aid for people who are blind or partially sighted, helping them to orient themselves and to plan routes. Using Touch Mapper, you can easily create custom outdoor maps for any address of your choice.” (Please include address and note which size when requesting)
#20 Wheelchair Mounted Dog Treat Dispenser
Description: “This is a dog treat dispenser which can be mounted on a wheelchair, allowing people with limited hand mobility or dexterity to easily reward their assistance dogs for good behaviours. The device can also simultaneously actuate a handheld clicker, making it possible to employ the “clicker method” of dog training used by many organizations.”
#21 Xbox Adaptive Thumb Sticks
Description: “A variety of adaptive thumbsticks for a person with limited mobility or dexterity. These work well for the XBOX ONE controller, but should also fit with the Series X/S.” (Please visit the source link below and include which items when requesting)